Sunday, March 8, 2009

What should I eat before a workout?

This question comes up so often, I can no longer put off writing about it, especially because of the impact it will have on your training and weight loss efforts. Nutrient timing is the concept of eating the right foods at the right time and applies to both athletes and those looking to lose a few pounds, so here goes...

The idea we'll discuss is about preserving muscle tissues, which are the most metabolically active cells in the body. The more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn, even at rest. Now I am not talking about becoming a bodybuilder, we just want to have more lean mass than body fat, which will give you a leaner more defined look.

When it comes to exercise, the worst thing you could possibly do is workout on an empty stomach...and that includes cardio in the morning! Without getting too scientific here, I just want to explain that the body needs food to operate, just like a car needs gas. Without it, the body will first turn to muscle tissue, and then fat for energy.

So what is the best thing to eat before a training session, and how long after I eat should I wait to workout? These are great questions and I'll answer them in the best case scenario, simply because some people exercise at 5:30am and waking up at two hours before that is just not feasible.

It's best to eat a complex carbohydrate (oatmeal, pasta, bread, cereals, etc) about 1.5 to 2 hours before your training session. If you're a morning person and cannot wake up early enough to follow this rule, try eating a piece of fruit (apple, banana, pear) approximately 20 to 30 minutes before training. Also, include a sports drink like Vitamin Water during your session. Avoid heavy proteins or fats, because they take so long to be digested and are not a primary fuel source like carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are absolutely necessary in your diet to lose fat and will actually work towards preserving muscle tissue.

Remember, the more muscle we have, the leaner and more defined we look, and the more calories we'll burn throughout the day. Carbohydrates are your friend!

Boone A Ebel